
Posts Tagged ‘speedwork’

August is over. It certainly feels like it outside. We’re bordering on fall weather and I’m not sure how I feel about it. I don’t think I’m quite ready to let summer go yet.

I never get tired of this though.

(this is also how I feel about fall and the fact that I’m going back to philly ;))


Recap – goals for august

1. HALF MARATHON – oh yes. you can read post here

2. try hot yoga – I went! only once but I went & loved it. yoga will become something I do regularly (if I keep telling myself that)

3. join gym or commit to strength training on my own – I didn’t join a gym. I really just can’t justify spending the money just so I can go to classes. I did start doing more cross training, but not as much as I want to. I give myself half credit on this one.

4. have an amazing time at HLS. Definitely. Recaps on HLS here, here & here plus my lessons learned.

August was a bit of an odd month. I talked a little bit about how weird I felt after the half marathon in this post. I’m adjusting how I think about my workouts and getting more on track.

Last night, I did my first speed workout. Speed work makes me nervous, which probably explains why I skipped it the past 2 weeks. oops.  I did  8 x400 intervals at an 8:57 pace with a 1 mile warmup &  .5 mile cool down.  It flew by!  Intervals made it go by so fast. Big fan. 

and completely unrelated but worth sharing – yesterday afternoon, I pulled this out of my desk drawer (which is always stock piled with bars, nuts, etc). I got this in my HLS swag bag and didn’t have high hopes.20110831-090320.jpgit was surprisingly delicious & chocolatey


how did you all do on august goals? 

thoughts on speedwork?

who wants to send me workouts to try :)?

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