
Posts Tagged ‘joined the gym’


How many times have I talked about strength training and my need to cross train? Many. How often does it actually get done? Not very many.

I finally caved and joined the gym at work – entirely to have access to the classes. Obviously I needed another potential time to work out. Before and after work weren’t enough. Now I can get my sweat on in the middle of the day. Excellent. Quite sure this is going to lead to lots of classes in my life. Thursday, I tried power yoga and then today, I did spinning. Yeah – you read that right, I went to yoga finallyyy and I tried spinning for the first time since maybe early college. I’ll be back at both 🙂

Its starting to look like fall around here.


20111017-195124.jpgmini pumpkins!

Made with Real Honey? I assumed they were pure sugar

Has anyone ever read the bag? Fun fact:

Gross. Yeah, they’re tasty but thats insane. 4.25 times around the planet?!

I’m not really sure what to do with myself right now. I have tons of food in the apt. Cooking isn’t really necessary. I worked out already. Its not even 8:00. Maybe I’ll bake? Pumpkin was a goal for October.


20111017-194802.jpgI picked up a few fun things at Trader Joe’s this weekend 🙂


What are your favorite pumpkin recipes?

I have a few cans that I don’t know what to do with.

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